Skate SailSail uses swimming pool tubes, nylon cloth,
and fittings available from hardware store.

Usable in winds 20 m.p.h.+ in open areas. 
Weight is 3.5 lbs. Center boom, turn it over to sail the opposite
direction. Tucked and battened for better aerodynamics. Does not attach to board,
allowing it to be dropped in extreme situations. Low friction of skating
environment allows sailing both directions within 45 degrees of
wind.  It’s great in open parking lots or on long, deserted
stretches. Acceleration is awesome, so wear protection.

Sail plans in JPEG format: skatesail
(open page and right click (control click mac) on image-“Save Image As” to save to your computer)

ROLLERBLADING LESSONS; Complete conditioning and training for skiing or ski racing. Contact: 505-440-121- ~ [email protected]

Click here for assembly instructions  

Sail Batten  sailing  skate sail mast-boom attachment